You can bet everyone from here to Helena
knows the details of your education.
It is an achievement.
To what use shall you put
this achievement?
- I'm considering the Forest Service.
- As a career?
No. For the summer.
As a break.
That's a good idea.
The body fuels the mind.
- That's what I was thinking.
- And after?
I'm not sure yet.
You've had six years
to become sure.
Have you considered
an advanced degree?
The law? Medicine?
The ministry?
I've applied
for several teaching positions.
- Have you?
- College level. I haven't heard yet.
No, it's early.
You have taught classes already,
haven't you?
Did you find that rewarding?
That is to say, do you feel
this could be your calling?
My calling?
Dinner, gentlemen.