He's got ninety-five white Persian monkeys!
(He's got the monkeys, let's see the monkeys!)
And to view them, he charges no fee!
(He's generous, so generous)
He's got slaves, he's got servants and flunkies!
(Proud to work for him)
They bow to his whim, love serving him
They're just lousy with loyalty to Ali!
Prince Ali!
Prince Ali! Amorous he! Ali Ababwa
Heard your princess was a sight lovely to see!
And that, good people, is why
He got dolled up and dropped by
With sixty elephants, llamas galore
With his bears and lions, A brass band and more
With his forty fakirs, his cooks, his bakers
His birds that warble on key,
Make way
for HIM, for HIM!!
Splendid, absolutely marvelous.
Your majesty, I have journeyed from afar
to seek your daughter's hand.
Prince Ali Ababwa! Of course. I'm delighted to meet you.
This is my royal vizier, Jafar. He's delighted too.
I'm afraid, Prince Abooboo--
Whatever. You cannot just parade in here uninvited and expect to--
- By Allah, this is quite a remarkable device.
I don't suppose I might...
Why certainly, your majesty. Allow me.
Sire, I must advise against this--
--Oh, button up, Jafar. Learn to have a little fun.
Just where did you say you were from?
Oh, much farther than you've traveled, I'm sure.
Try me.
(- Look out, Polly!)