her defense would just beat us to death
with this copycat thing.
Anybody who read the book
could have done it.
-What do you want to do now? Nothing?
-We call her in for questioning.
She's got enough money
to burn the department down--
She was the last person
seen with the guy.
I'll take the responsibility.
It's yours.
It won't do any good.
She'll just waltz in
with some superstar lawyer...
who'll get us all canned
for wasting the taxpayers' money.
-That's exactly what she'll do.
-No, she won't.
I don't think she'll hide
behind anybody.
I don't think she's
gonna hide at all.
Then she's as crazy
as you are, Curran.
You know what they say:
Takes one to know one.
Miss Tramell, we'd like you to come
downtown to answer a few questions.
Are you arresting me?
If that's the way
you want to play it.
Could I change
into something more appropriate?
It'll only take a minute.
Come on in.
Make yourselves comfortable.
I'll be right back.
-Hey, Gus.