Batman Returns

He controls the Red Triangle Gang.
I can't prove it yet, but we both...

I'll not stand for mud-slinging here.
If my assistant was here,
she'd have already escorted you out...

Anywhere he wants.
Preferably some nightspot grotto...
...secluded hideaway.
Nice suit.
That's my name, don't wear it out
or I'll make you buy me a new one.

This is Bruce...
We've met.
Have we?
No, I'm sorry. I mistook me
for somebody else.

You mean, "mistook me. "
Isn't that what I said?
I don't think so.
What happened?
Did you hurt yourself... on that ski slope?
Is that why you cut short your vacation?
Came back?

It's a blur.
Not complete amnesia. I remember
Sister Mary Margaret puking in church...

...and Betsy saying
it was morning sickness.

And the time I forgot to wear
my underpants to school...

...and the name of the boy who noticed
was Ricky Friedburg.

He's dead now.
But last night...
...complete blur.
Couldn't you just die?
:45:42 out Mr. Wayne.
With pleasure.
Your coat, Mr. Wayne.
