Why do we have to get up
so early on Saturday?
Ask your father. Don`t say `"sucks.`"
The bathroom`s mine!
-Nanny, nanny!
-Shut up! Let me in.
Open up, you little wimp! Let me in!
-Mom! Let me in!
-You have no bladder control.
Wait till l get my hands on you. Let me in!
A puppy!
Guys, do you have to--
l dreamt l had a puppy, and it came true!
l take back everything l said
about you being cold and insensitive.
Dad, l take back
anything l ever said about you, too.
Dad, l have everything l ever wanted.
-l owe you big time.
Daddy, can we call him Fred?
-Let me have him. lt`s my turn.
-No, it`s my turn!
-l saw him first!
-l`m gonna have him for five more minutes.
We can`t have a dog. We can`t have a dog!
You can`t show a child a puppy,
then take it away two minutes later.
l didn`t show a child a puppy.
lt`s obviously lost.
-Occupy the kids. l`ll run to the pound.
-No, no way!
-lt`ll be destroyed.
-lf we keep it, the house will be destroyed!
-lt`s a dog. Millions of people have dogs.
-Not people like me.
Dogs sniff. They lick, they chew.
They drool, they scratch--
-Alice, they have parasites.
-Oh, God, yeah.
The kids`ll lose interest.
l`ll have to care for it.
lt`ll grow to be enormous.
lt`ll take over the yard.
The lawn`ll look terrible.
When the dog finally settles down, it`ll die.