Everybody will be upset. We`ll have
to get another puppy. Start all over.
-Do you understand?
-No. Could you be more specific?
-Alice, l need a little support.
-Okay, l`m sorry. All right.
How shall we handle this?
Go tell the kids.
-Come on.
-Come over here.
He loves me the most.
-Hi, kids.
-Hi, Dad.
-Can he sleep in my room?
-No, he`s sleeping in my room.
-l`m the oldest. He`s sleeping in my room.
-He`s not sleeping in anyone`s room.
Listen to me a minute.
We are `"people`" people here.
We are `"goldfish`" people.
We`re `"ant farm`" people.
We`re not `"dog`" people.
Dad, why can`t you just give us a chance?
You`re always saying
we have to have responsibility.
That`s true.
lt`s my decision. l mean, l`ve decided.
l knew it!
Better think of something to name him.
When he destroys my house,
l wanna know what to call him!
-Thank you.
-This is temporary.
This is temporary until we find the owner.
Okay, the dog`s name will be....
-What is it?
-What`s his name gonna be?
You can`t change it. That`s the rules.
Okay. Emily?
Did you do your name in a crayon?
l don`t think words for parts
of the body make good names.
But he`s got one of those. l looked.