But he wants you to.
Sometimes we don`t get what we want.
That`s not how it works.
lf l don`t get this deal, l`ll kill myself!
Honey, don`t talk like that
in front of the kids.
lf l can just get them to smell the stuff.
Air fresheners are visceral products--
-l got a great idea.
Can l have karate lessons?
l didn`t get any bacon.
What do you want karate lessons for?
Brenda`s littler than me,
and she`s got a green belt.
Why don`t we skip the lessons
and get you the belt?
No! Come on!
He slimed me! He slobbed! Look at this!
Don`t worry about it.
l`ve got dog drool on my pants!
l can`t meet with Vanguard Capital
with dog drool on my pants!
-Just change your pants.
-l`m gonna change my pants.
l had a schedule and now it`s gone.
l`ll never have that again!
-Just change, George.
-l`m gonna change my pants.
Then l gotta change my jacket.
lf l change my jacket, l change my shirt.
lf l change my shirt, l change my tie.
l have to change my belt, shoes and socks.
Just change your pants, George.
l don`t need you to drool all over me,
for God sakes!
You`re so smart!
What am l telling you about?
Listen to me!