-l`d be happy to.
lt`s just a shot. He`ll be okay.
Let`s take him home.
He`s scared and wants to go home.
l wonder if l might have a word
with you privately.
Good dog.
Take good care of these nice people.
They aren`t gonna hurt Beethoven,
are they?
Nothing could hurt Beethoven.
Please, sit down.
Mr. Newton, have you....
Have you noticed anything strange
about your dog lately?
You know, l mean, he`s destroyed my life.
l wish l was kidding.
That`s very funny.
St. Bernards have been heavily over-bred.
There`s been quite a bit written
about certain behavioral problems.
What kind of problems?
l don`t know how to say this, but l`ve had
to put down several over the past months.
They have a tendency to turn on people...
...attack without provocation.
l only mention this
because you have children.
Good boy!
George, come on.
Beethoven isn`t even remotely dangerous.
He`d never hurt the kids.
He might take a bite out of you, though.
First snarl, first any kind of weirdness
and he`s gone.
Weirdness? What should l watch for,
his wearing my clothes around the house?