to snuggle in.
l forgot that l had
a photo of Thérése.
Who is Thérése?
The chambermaid at the inn.
Welfare sent her. She was fifteen.
She was always in black.
lt was her only dress.
Her tiny breasts showed through.
lt made me jealous.
Where is she now, the little sneak?
Yes Madame.
The rooms made?
Yes Madame.
Let's prepare the beans.
I wanted to be her friend,
but she was too oId.
So l made do, hanging around her.
Schwartz used to tease me
about her.
Did l tell you about him?
No, l don't think so.
Sure l did.
He was the medical student.
He washed dishes
to pay for his studies.
He lived in a maid's room
near the Place des Ternes.
l met him only because
he lived near us.
Charlotte was almost
a year old by then.
From his bed l could see
hundreds of chimneys.
Thérése was your biggest
childhood influence.
Tell me about Thérése.
What went on with Thérése?
lt was a Saturday.
Auntie took the car
to the St. Mathurin market.
lt was during vacation
or maybe l skipped school.
l don't remember.