Manipulating a takeover
Get tough, get right
Try to get some sleep at night
Try hard, get harder
Love to win, live to fight
Own the town, love the best
Don't share the treasure chest
If you cheat, get away
Lead them down an alleyway
Look out, Joe, how far will it go
Take away the fire
and where does the water flow?
Look out, Joe, how far will it go
Take away the fire
and where does the water flow?
Pork pork pork
Pork bellies
[Bob] Now is the time to invest. We mustn't
be intimidated by Third World madmen.
We must stay strong and market confident.
Reluctance feeds the aggressor.
As we say, if you're afraid of an act of market...
[all shout] You're a dead man!
[Aide] Let's lock and load.
There'll be a resolution in the Mid-East
and a bull market. Mark my words.
Thank you for your time.
[Aide] We're on the move.
[Crowd shouts Bob's name]
[Man] Good luck, Bob!
To the right, please.
Everybody to the right, please.
To the right, thank you.
To the right, please.
Mr Roberts, I contacted your campaign office.
They told me I had to be connected
to a major news network or newspaper.
That's ridiculous. Talk to Chet MacGregor
and he'll take care of it.
- What is your name?
- Bugs.
John Alijah Raplin.
John Raplin. Publication?
Troubled Times.
There'll be a pass at the door tonight.
Yeah. Sure.
- It scares the hell out of me.
- My goodness.
- I don't think so.
- Of course not. It's a bad idea.