and unpaid housing loans.
Hello, reality check. Broken Dove ripping off
S&Ls? Its altruism surpasses net worth.
Broken Dove whose donations
to hospitals keep youngsters off drugs.
- Accuse your enemy of your worst crime.
- Disinformation.
- Credo hipocritus.
- Pot calling the kettle black.
Terry, most political campaigns
would pale in comparison,
but this one is a peach.
- It's like a vicious, hard-fought game.
- [Man bellows]
Close to the final minute,
absolute chaos reigns
and then one team explodes
right through the proverbial roof.
The dust settles, the blood is flowing,
it's a massacre
but one team is jumping up and down
with big, silly grins on their faces.
That's gonna be us, Terry.
That's what it's all about, fun.
There's nothing like the unbridled fun
of a hard-fought campaign.
- He's down!
- Bob! Bob!
- Stay down!
- [Woman] My God! Bob!
[All shouting]
- Seal the wound!
- Call an ambulance!
Get your goddamn hands off me, you fag!
- Move it!
- Get the bike!
Put your guns away!
You get on the goddamn bus.
Security's falling apart.
Bush league, pal.
- Get the goddamn camera out of here!
- Terry, ride behind in the van.
[Choir] We shall not
Not be moved
We shall not
Not be moved
Times are changin' back
Times are changin' back
Times are changin' back today
Deep in my heart I do believe
Times are changin' back today
Today, children, I am talking hypocrisy.
We shall not be moved
We shall not be moved
Hypocrisy that winds itself down every day
from Washington, DC.