Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Look at that jacket.
This is so lush.
- Wouldn'tyou guys just love me in this?
- Guys, what's the sitch? I'm bored.

- What do you think?
- Please. It's so five minutes ago.

What are we doing?
- Why don't we go see a movie?
- Where?

- Omniplex?
- Nee sitch. No way.

- No THX.
- They don't even have Dolby.

- Sorry.
- Beverly Center.

- They show previews for foreign movies.
- Oh, yeah.

- AMC?
- Bogus corn.

Totally stale. And the ushers are,
like, the acne patrol. Totally.

OK. OK. How about...
We're thinking Pavilion? Sitch solved?

- Sounds toasty.
- Excellent. What's playing there?

I don't know. Does it matter?
- Excuse much. Rude or anything?
- Nice ensemble.

What a homeless.
Is Jeffrey really
spending the night atyour house?

- That's the plan.
- What a sitch.

Your parents are always away. You're lucky.
- I guess.
- Mine don't. I'll die a virgin.

You guys shut up, please.
It could happen.
God, what a 'tude.
It's the Loch Ness monster.
God, take a chill lozenge.
- Like we don't have rights too.
- Yeah.

Ignore them, OK? lgnore them.
Oh, no, no. I can't believe these people.
We paid good money to see this.

- No, we didn't.
- Oh, yeah.

Look at the street. They're all
lining up for me because I am the champ!

Look at the moon, man. It's a huge moon.
