It's not a weapon. It's an alert system.
Well, aren't we kung fu! I don't see
you out there killing any vampires.
I play my part.
You can play with your part all you want,
but it's my neck on the block.
I'm out there risking my life.
I'm risking my life
and you're not doing anything.
I train girls to be slayers.
I have done so for a hundred lives
and I shall continue to do so.
I am born each time with the knowledge
that my purpose is to prepare the...
Chosen One for her battle.
I am not a slayer,
and I must not interfere, even if I want to.
Even if I thinkthat this time
the girl... is truly exceptional.
What do you do? I mean, you just keep on
living the same old life over and over?
- Yes. Yes, until...
- What? Till there aren't any more vampires?
- Then what?
- Then maybe I'll go to heaven.
Or maybe you'll just get a job.
Oh, a job. I would have been
a wonderful bootmaker.
That is so dull. I'm going to be a buyer.
- Of what?
- I don't know. It's just a job I heard of.
Sounded pretty cool, you know.
Buying. Buyer. To buy. I like that.
- We should go to work.
- Yeah.
Quick, before anybody has any fun.
Merrick, I'm not gonna croakthat easily.
I have something the other girls didn't have.
And what might that be, pray?