
Good to know I can count
on my nearest and dearest.

Don't come it with me.
"Arrival in the land of liberty"?
Showing the statue?

What are you playing at?
No one else seemed to mind.
Kicking an immigration officer
on the backside.

You think that's funny?
For those of us with a sense
of humour, very.

It was supposed to be a comedy.
You've turned it into a bloody
political tract.

We're guests here.
You can't criticize the way it's run.

Syd, I love this country.
I owe it everything.

That's why I can criticize it.
Why I must.

Remember where we're from.
There's a war going on, remember?

You make a million a year
while British boys die in France.

The London papers are after you.
You want that here, too?

I registered for the draft.
They never called me.

It isn't like I'm hard to find.
I'm on your side, kid.
First one on board, remember?
Be careful, Chas.
Just watch it.
That's all I'm saying.
