
You said you detested studio parties.
The worst. But not where
Doug Fairbanks was concerned.

Life was fun when Doug was around.
I don't think anyone today remembers
what a huge star he was.

I mean in those days, he was huge.
Men liked him.
Women adored him.
He was royalty.
Look out below!
Sire, you are most truly welcome.
Great party, Doug.
Isn't it fabulous?
- Wonderful.

I hate it more than you do.
I doubt it.
Of course everything changed
when America's Sweetheart came.

You mean Mary Pickford?
I always found her to be something
of an undersized bitch.

But Doug fell for her
like a ton of bricks.

Hello, Charlie.
Hi, Doug. Thanks for inviting me.
Mary. It's a pleasure.
Duty calls. Excuse me.
He's really a lovely person, Charlie.
Yes. Hungry?
