- Is it up yet?
- Yes, sir.
It's in the bath.
Your beeper was beeping.
It's Mr. Franklin again.
Oh, it's you.
Fine, dear, thank you.
Like a rock.
You're dressed.
Special occasion?
- Work.
- Ghoul!
Dr. Menville,
thank God.
- I'm sorry to call at the last minute.
- Yes.
He's completely prepped. Our top staff
have been summoned and are waiting.
Good, I'm sure he'll be fine.
Just calm down.
Calm? I am calm.
Everyone is calm here.
- Who is it?
- Fernando Rivas, the actor.
He drowned in his hot tub.
Very bloated, very swollen.
He was making love
to his new fiancee.
Eighteen years old,
from Cuba.
He's got this expression of happiness
that is completely inappropriate.
Thank you, Mr. Franklin, we'll see
if we can't give him a little character,
- a little depth.
- Depth?
Oh, no, Dr. Menville, you can't
give him any character or depth.
People have
to recognize him.
- Good afternoon, Miss Ashton.
- 3:00 with Anna.
Yes, I know.
You may go down.
Miss Ashton, how are you?
So good to see you!
Listen, I've got a really
important party tonight.
Really important.
You understand?
You will be the best one!
I have to be
better than that.
I am sorry,
but the plasma separation...
is a very traumatic
process to the body!