Excuse me.
I hoped you'd come.
Make some room for my friend,
for Christ's sake!
keep your ass handy.
May I say that
I've always thought yours...
to be one of the most
beautiful faces...
ever to grace
the silver screen.
And that husband of yours,
I can only say that
his reputation is unsurpassed.
I just arrived in town.
I follow the spring.
I haven't seen an autumn
or winter in years.
We are creatures
of the spring, you and I.
Uh-huh. I'm not really
quite sure why I came.
You're scared as hell...
of yourself,
of the body you thought
you once knew.
I beg your pardon?
I am the one
who understands.
I am the one
who knows your secret.
Who is it?
I need to speak to Madeline.
She's not here.
Ah, thank God!
How did you get in?
I didn't hear the gate.
I didn't want you to hear.
Ernest, ask me to go.
Ask me to leave
this house immediately!
- You just got here.
- I know, I know.