Listen to me, Ernest.
I've thought this through carefully,
and it's the only way.
Tonight, while she's asleep,
you'll sneak downstairs quietly,
and take one of each kind
of wine glass from the shelf.
Then you'll take
this Narconal...
and lightly coat
each glass.
As you know, Narconal is a very
powerful alcohol-base tranquilizer,
so you won't need much.
Tomorrow, I'll call Madeline
to say good-bye.
- I'll get her to invite me to dinner.
- Why don't you come to dinner?
Then, at dinner,
we propose a toast.
No matter which glass
she drinks from,
Narconal will be
on the glass.
You and I work together.
First, we finish dinner.
Then we load her in the car,
take her to the top of Mulholland Drive,
call the police and report we've seen a
drunk woman swerving close to the edge.
Some drunk woman up here on Mulholland's
swerving dangerously close to the edge.
We'll sit her up
in the driver's seat...
and make it look like
she's had...
just a little bit
too much to drink.
We drop the car into gear,
wedge her foot
down on the accelerator,
clamp her hands
on the steering wheel...
and send her on her way.
By the time
they perform the autopsy,
the Narconal will be
completely dissolved,
leaving only traces
of alcohol.
She'll be classified
as just another drunk driver.
- They'll check her blood alcohol...
- Point four-0. She had it coming.
...and think
nothing more of it.
The case is closed.
Madeline is dead.
And we're free!