Come on, boy!
Give him a left hook!
For crying out loud!
What kind of a fight do you call that?
You in the wrong seat, boy.
Nobody gave seating assignments.
I'm about ready
to give you one.
This is Mr. Gillors chair.
You must be our Floridian tourist.
You certainly have wonderful taste
in automobiles.
Yeah, though it's
kind of a limp color.
Snowflake white.
But I figured
better a limp color...
than a limp model
like the 300.
At least
I had enough change left over...
to buy myself a proper
pair of socks.
I'm just fucking with you.
You want your seat back?
Please, feel free.
I was bored shitless anyway.
Our boxing here in Diggstown...
is not to your satisfaction, Mr...
- John Gillon.
- Nice to meet you.
- Can I be frank with you?
- Please.
It's never too satisfying knowing who
will win. You know what I mean?
Take this mamaluke
in the white trunks.
Halfway through the first round,
I know he'll be kissing canvas.
He's already done it twice.
So what do you think? Will he
kiss canvas the third time? Yes.