- It is!
- Get back here.
I saw it.
- Stay back.
- It's Wolf.
- I'm sorry.
- Why is my brother dead?
- I don't know.
- You know something!
- I wish I knew.
- Tell me now!
- I'll tell them you fixed that fight!
- I don't know why Wolf is dead!
It's not because he was escaping.
Nobody runs with a week to go.
- What are you talking about?
- I'm saying that Wolf...
Maybe Wolf was never
supposed to come home.
Your brother accidentally found out
something he wasrt supposed to know:
That Gillon fixed Diggs' last fight.
Before he even realized
what he knew...
he was the county drug lord
being can'ted off to prison.
He never had a chance
to tell you this.
I need your help.
I need you to find out
how much money Gillors really got.
Wolf was going to ask you.
He was a part of this.
They won't even bury him right.
I promise you...
your brother will have the best funeral
this town has ever seen.
My Jesus
Your love
Means so much