- What?
- You were right.
These are the bank records.
Gillon owns the whole town.
- What is all this?
- He's won'th almost $2 million.
- What is this?
- That last Diggs fight...
He put everyone's money
on the other fighter.
- He sold farms? He foreclosed?
- Land, stores, farms.
- Everything around here.
- How much cash has he got?
He's got $720,000.
So he used their money
and then foreclosed on them?
- Exactly.
- And stole the town.
This Gillon is some piece of work.
You gotta love the guy.
This information can get you killed.
You know that, right?
You're incredible.
This is...
Thank you.
I gotta get cookir.
I'll see you at the fight.
Ladies and gentlemen,
only 22 minutes until midnight.
Quite an exciting way
to lose $50,000.
I'm willing to side another 50,000
that I don't.
Just you and me.
Luckily, I brought my banker...
who just happens to have
two drafts here that I can sign.
How fortunate. I'm sure Mr. Corsini's
people have done the same for me.
Thank you. Do you have a pen, Paulo?
No, thanks. Just put one out.