- Fight!
- Come on, Ham, jab him!
Son of a...
Roy, get out of the corner!
Keep dancing!
Push him back, Roy!
That's it!
Goddamn it, get off the ropes!
Pick it up.
Let's go.
Stop him, ref, right now!
Son of a bitch!
What's going on?
What's up with these Busbys?
One won't start, the other won't stop.
Don't take any chances. Either Ham's
decided to fuck us or Gillon outbid us.
- Tell him to go down right now.
- What if he won't?
Hey, man, it's time.
Let me have your chin.
Give me your chin, man.
Yeah! Go get him!
Stick and move!
All right, keep floating!
Back it up! Put him away!
That's it!
- Ref, break it up!
- Let's go! Break!
You, 20 to win 80!
I'll be by the hot dog stand!
Getting old on me?
You go 15 rounds, you're wheezing.
I don't know what's worse:
Fighting him or listening to your mouth.
- That's motivation.
- You call that motivation?
It gets the anger up.
It's good for you.
When I want anger,
all I gotta do is remember Moline.
- Don't start with Moline again.
- Motivation, my ass.