- Neutral corner.
- Get up!
Three, four, five...
six, seven, eight, nine!
God, no!
- Come on, son. Let's move back.
- Get him out of the way.
- Goddamn you!
- Watch out, boy! Get on back!
- Get back right now!
- Get off of me!
- Move back, boy!
- It's all right. It's okay.
Let me have him.
Come on, man.
- You gotta be cool.
- They just killed him, Roy!
I don't believe that.
Looks like poor Slim had all his hopes
on winning that money.
- Come on, Ham.
- Be strong.
Settle down now.
We gotta get you to the station.
- You'll have to answer some questions.
- Sorry, Ham.
That was one courageous fight
you just fought out there, sir.
You know what I mean.
Ham, did your brother try
to commit suicide before?
- Suppose you'll want to take a break.
- You think I need a break from you...
- Keep them coming, you son of a bitch!
- Goddamn it, that's what he wants!
- Take a nap.
- I want your ass in the ring!
We'll take your break!
The names mean
absolutely nothing to me.
I gotta have faces
to go with the names.