Sonny Hawkins
is now entering the ring!
The fight is about to begin at last!
We would like to thank you
for your continued patience...
during all the delays.
We have merely three hours left
until midnight.
With five fights still to go...
I don't think we will see
any more delays.
Thank you, ladies and gentlemen.
to the center of the ring.
You had your instructions.
No low blows.
Hit gloves, come out fighting.
- Sonny, we love you, honey!
- Come on, Sonny! Do it!
What the hell was that?
Get the next one up here.
One, two...
Come on! Get up!
Robby, I need you
to do something for me.
You can't go up there
and fight right now.
Daddy, I'm not afraid of him at all.
Listen to me.
It has nothing to do with that.
Remember what I told you downstairs
about his mind?
About capturing his mind?
Right now his mind
is in a whole different place.
I need you to walk out there,
step up onto the apron...
look him right in the eye
and then walk out.
Then we got him.