We'd be as well to sell off a thing
or two now that the old man's gone.
ls that any way to keen
over the death of our father?
Misery's a personal matter, Joseph.
We don't need any instruction.
Sure, he's left us
with a huge debt of rent on the land.
We'll begin to settle our debt
when we harvest the land.
Grow the potatoes and pick them
yourself, Joseph, you ambitious boy!
- You son of a-
- Joseph!
Jesus and the saints preserve us!
We thought you died, Da.
l did, son.
l passed away.
But you're talking to us, Da.
And your eyes-
they're looking about.
l was as dead as a stone,
l tell you.
Now shut your mouth
before l die again.
Well, l am-
Come here!
l've come back
to tell you something.
You're an especially odd boy.
You came back from the dead
to tell me that l'm odd?
You have all kinds of oddities...
clattering around in your brain.
So had l when l was as young as you.
But dreams, my boy,
in this poor corner of the world...
end up in a glass of ale.
No. Not my dreams, Da.
l'll work my own land someday.
Without land, a man is nothing.
That's it. Yeah.
Land is a man's very own soul.
A miracle-
that's what you're looking for.
And by God, if you manage it...
your old da will be
smiling down on you...
from heaven above.