Turn away, Shannon,
and protect the innocence of your eyes.
Of all the days
to intrude upon our peaceful life.
The ladies are coming by
this afternoon for tea.
l'm feeling very sick
all of a sudden.
Mind yourself, Shannon. Those ladies are
models of manners and behavior.
- Nothing happened!
- Nothing happened, indeed.
A poor, misguided robin has
broken a windowpane.
What a manufactured lie.
l was merely dusting
the liquor cabinet.
As if a bottle in your vicinity
stood long enough to gather dust.
Now, go upstairs.
l can manage in here.
Oh, look at what you've done.
Mary, Mary, Mary Nell
Do you hear your wedding bell
Will he love you, Mary Nell
Time and time alone will tell
You're having a dream.
This isn't really happening.
l want my land!