They will need a polish
now and then.
Aye, they would.
And l could make you a cup of tea.
When teatime calls for it, yes.
l'll throw the tea in your face and l'll
piss on your boots before l serve you!
Get out!
- l'll pay you threepence a day.
- Get out!
l've got an appointment in the morning,
and l'm going to honor it.
Ha! You'll never win this duel
with Stephen.
We've all seen you handle a gun.
Boy, l am giving you your freedom!
l'm not going to a distant world.
l'm of lreland,
and l'll stay in lreland till l die.
That's in about five hours.
These weapons belonged
to my father's father.
His father's father was an ass.
l've asked to serve as your second
in this barbarism.
l appreciate that, sir.
Choose one of those things.
You had a good breakfast this morning,
did you?
- lt was grand, sir. Thank you.
- Good.
Count away 15 paces.
- One, two.
- This way, son.
- Three, four-
- Ah, fog.
My life is one long mollifying fog.
The land l hold, l inherited.
lt manages itself
with a foggy logic of its own.
Son, l was up thinking about you
all night long.