l saved your neck.
You remember that.
- Thank you, boy.
- Don't call me ''boy.''
You might display some gratitude
considering l paid for your passage.
l paid, let me remind you.
Oh, good afternoon.
Forgive me if l'm intruding,
but l wonder...
if you'd enjoy a gentle stroll
around the deck.
She's drinking her tea now.
There's no need
to state the obvious, boy.
My name's McGuire,
from Boston, Massachusetts.
Oh, you're American.
lrish born.
l went back for personal reasons.
A stroll would be delightful,
Mr. McGuire.
ln my imagination,
America is a wonderfully modern place.
- Am l right?
- Modern as modern can be.
The people, the culture,
the industry.
- What about the land?
- l beg your pardon?
This girl's got it in her head
that they're giving land away for free.