Shannon, you should
stand back over there.
Don't shield me, Joseph.
lt's only a boxing match.
Sorry, Mike.
Mike isn't happy when he loses.
You distracted me.
You weren't concentrating.
A scrappy Connemara man, huh?
Fresh off the boat.
Follow me.
Not you, woman.
You just cost me part of a tooth.
- lf he gets to go, then l get to go.
- l'm Mike Kelly!
Who is this bit of a snit anyway?
Your wife?
- Certainly not.
- Then who the hell are you, lass?
- She's...
- l'm-
my sister.
- Tell me she isn't a pain in the ass.
- Settle your bets!
''Sister''? Our blood's not even
the same temperature.
These people are my kind of people.
And my kind doesn't like your kind.
ln fact,
they hate everything about you.
for some reason or other
l'm willing to lie for you.
Or we could tell them you're
a rich Protestant. Might be sporting.
No, Joseph.
My brother.