. . .till the big race.
Get up. Get up.
Come on, sleepy. Get up.
I can't believe you're still asleep.
I'm more excited than you.
Okay, look.
What will the other drivers'
wives wear?
''Wives''? Did I hear ''wives''?
I said wives. I got ahead of myself.
You said wives.
-It was a slip of the tongue.
-I lI ke that slip.
I lI ke that tongue too.
Alex, aren't you a little bit nervous?
No. I've seen it in advance.
Checkered flag.
Honeymoon in the Bahamas.
Listen, let's just take
one ''zoom'' at a time.
I'll win that race, honey.
No one can stop me.
Gentlemen, don't touch a thing.
It's hot.
You're hot!
-Rock 'n' roll driving.
-It feels good.
If you'd hit the brakes sooner,
that wouldn't have happened.
You drive your typewriter,
I'll drive my car.
Alex, it's a computer.
You are such an asshole. Computer!
I'll be all right.
God, I hope so, Alex.