Hi, honey.
It's me, Alex.
Wait a second!
What's wrong?
Don't you remember me?!
You're a liar! Let go of me!
Who do you think I am?
You're not Alex Furlong!
You're the bastard who stole his body!
Damn it!
Stop and listen to me!
I'm Alex! I can prove it!
Look at me!
You gave this to me
before the race.
Don't you remember?!
That was yesterday.
What's happened to us?
Go, go! Move, move, move!
-I escaped while they fought.
-Then you just found me?
Brad told me where you lived.
How'd you get in here?
Through the open door.
Central Locking reports
authorized personnel.
No unauthorized access.
You're lying.
There's no other explanation.
Your voice couldn't have
authorized access.