Listen, things have changed.
People are on the top or the bottom,
no one in between.
Julie is on the top.
He's a Freejack, and legally
someone else's property.
-You think that's right?
-He died, Jule.
Someone paid to bring him back.
He belongs to them.
Should they let him be killed?
Who's the client?
Clients are guaranteed secrecy.
The Switchboard
is a McCandless division...
...even I'm not privy to its records.
I've gotta go now, I'm already late.
Where are you, Jule?
I'm at a friend's.
Is he with you?
-I'll check into it.
I won 't promise anything.
Legally I can 't interfere.
Why don 't you call in a few hours?
I'll see what I can do.
Thanks, Mac.
All right, be very careful.
Morgan's gone.