Glengarry Glen Ross

- Huh?
- Who's the guy?

Couldn't tell you.
I don't like the whole thing,
because all I need is a lead.

- They won't give out--
- Uh-huh.

The rich get richer,
that's the law of the land.

Who belongs
to the BM--?

It is 7:30.
So who is that?
And where is
Mr. Roma?

Well, I'm not a leash,
so I don't know, do I?

Let me have
your attention for a moment.

You're talking about what?
You're talking about--

bitching about
that sale you shot,

some son of a bitch
don't want to buy land,

somebody don't want
what you're selling,

some broad you're
trying to screw, so forth.

Let's talk
about something important.

- Are they all here?
- All but one.

I'm going anyway.
Let's talk
about something important.

Put that coffee down.
Coffee's for closers only.
You think
I'm fucking with you?

I am not fucking with you.
I'm here from downtown.
I'm here
from Mitch and Murray.

And I'm here
on a mission of mercy.

- Your name's Levene?
- Yeah.

You call yourself a salesman,
you son of a bitch?

I don't got to listen
to this shit.

You certainly don't, 'cause
the good news is, you're fired.

The bad news is you've got--
all of you've got--

just one week
to regain your jobs,

starting with tonight--
starting with tonight's sit.

Oh, have I got
your attention now?
