top salesman on the board
gets the Eldorado.
- Next man down the--
- What about the good leads?
- The leads I've given you.
- But these leads are shit.
They're old--
I've seen that name 100 times.
- The leads are assigned randomly.
- What about the new leads?
The new leads--
the Glengarry leads.
I've got them.
I'm going to hang onto them.
And they'll be
assigned to closers,
based on the sales volume,
first to Roma.
- Where is Roma?
- Don't worry about Roma.
He'll get his leads,
you've got yours.
He's top name on the board,
so he don't have to be here?
That's correct!
And as the hour is waning,
I suggest you-- those of you
who are interested
in a continuing job with
this organization, get to work.
That's garbage.
- Thank you for your attention.
- Bullshit!
How am I supposed to close these?
Look at this.
I've had this guy before.
I've been to his house twice.
I-- I can't--
I can't close this stuff.
Shelly, how am I
supposed to--
They're going
to bounce me out of a job.
Hello, Mr. Palermo?
I'm sorry.
Mr. Speice?
Mr. Robert Speice?
this is George Aaronow.
I'm with Rio.
I spoke with your wife earlier.
I'm the vice president of Rio Rancho
Properties in Furman, Arizona.
Yes. I'm calling from the airport,
and consulting my map,
I see that you and your wife
live near the airport.
I have some rather--
rather unusual,
rather good information
on the property...
Hello? Hello, this is
Sheldon Levene.
Please listen closely--
I only have a moment or so.
I can speak only
to a Mrs. Nyborg.
Oh, this is Mrs. Nyborg.
Please listen closely, Mrs. Nyborg.
I'm calling from Consolidated
Properties of Arizona.
Our computer has chosen you
from all of the many thousands
who write in requesting
information on our properties.