Glengarry Glen Ross

Now by federal law,
as you probably know,

the prize must be awarded to you
even if you are not engaged

in our land
development plan.

The only stipulation, of course,
is that you and your husband

must sign at the same time
for the receipt of your prize.

Now, I will be in the area
tonight, possibly tomorrow.

What do you think might be
a convenient time to meet

with both you
and your husband?

Of course I'll hold.
- Bunch of fucking nonsense, huh?
- I can't close them.

- Nobody can close 'em.
- They're old.

They're ancient--
a bunch of fucking nonsense.

Get some jerk
to come in here--

Sometimes I think,
''I wonder if I belong in this business.''

Send a guy out there--
no support, no confidence.

Then I say,
''Nobody can close 'em.''

- Then I look at Roma.
- Roma-- fuck Roma.

Had a freak--
a little run of luck.

The leads are garbage.
Then I say,
''Why give him the good leads?

- He doesn't need 'em.''
- You going out?

Yeah. I have to go out.
I can't make a sit.

- Have you tried?
- Yeah. Something's wrong with me.

What is it?
I can't push through.

Get your coat on.
You're coming out with me.

- Something in me.
- Forget it.

- I try, I try.
- I said forget it, come on.

I can't close 'em.
I swear to God,
you work all your life--

- Forget it, George.
- Roma, so on...

- so gifted.
- Gifted, my ass!

- The guy gets a string of luck.
- No, no, no.

The thing of it is,
money's tight.

When times are tight,
it don't do no good

to throw around,
''Just go out and sell.''

Threaten a man all you want,
you can't whip a dead horse.

- Nope.
- All this garbage--

''Sell 10,000,
you win a Cadillac;
