You hear a lot of things.
He's doing very well.
- With River Oaks?
- River Oaks, Brook Farms.
All that shit. Somebody told me--
you know what he's clearing, himself?
- 14, 15 grand a week.
- Himself?
That's what I'm saying.
Why? He's got the leads.
He's got the good leads.
What are we?
We're sitting
in the shit here. Why?
Because we got to go to them
to get them.
$0%%of our sales we're paying
to the office for the leads.
There's our leads, there's overhead,
phones, a lot of stuff.
What do you need?
A telephone?
Some broad to say, ''Good morning''?
Nothing. It's the leads.
The whole thing is the leads,
you understand me?
You can't sell to a void--
you got to get a goddamn person.
You get a lead, you get
a person-- I'll go sell 'em.
Otherwise, what do they want
from my life?
Hello, Danny?
Dan, it's Shel Levene.
Yeah, we spoke--
last May I called you.
I was in town from my estate
in Rio Rancho, and--
I wish we could have
gotten together at that time.
Danny, that piece of property I had
for you has increased in value--
Grace, Grace,
what was that figure? $76,000.
Oh, Danny, I wish you could have
been in on it with me.
Look, I'm here overnight--
I have to go home tomorrow,
and I thought, after the interest
you showed on the last trip, that--
Hold it, Grace. Danny,
I know that you're serious,
and because of that, I am going
to shove my appointments around
and make sure--
oh, gee, I wish that--
All right, Danny.
Yeah, all right.
Going out tonight,
What is this bullshit
with the sales promotion?
It isn't bullshit.
It's the way it is.
You're going to fire
the bottom men on the list?
That's the way it is
and I don't make the rules.
- The rules come from downtown.
- I got a problem here, John.