I wonder who it is.
Who the fuck am I talking to?
- I need the leads to sell.
- After the contest. After the 30th.
''After the contest.''
If I'm not on that board by the 30th,
they're going to can my ass.
I need those leads
and I need 'em now or I'm out.
You're going to miss me.
I swear to you, you will miss me.
Let me tell you
something, Shelly.
I do what I'm hired to do--
you might do the same.
- Jesus.
- Now wait a second!
I'm hired to watch the leads,
to marshal my sales force.
I'm given a policy.
My job is to do that.
Marshal your sales force?
Anybody falls below
a certain mark, I'm directed.
I'm not permitted
to give them the premium leads.
How do they rise
above that mark? With dreck?
With this toilet paper
you're giving me?
You give me
one premium lead--
Do you know what
the premium leads cost?
Do I know what
the premium leads cost?
I know what they cost.
I generated the sufficient
dollar revenue to buy them.
But I cannot sell shit!
Jesus. And I've seen
these before, you know.
Christ, I saw these back--
1$85, we pitched
these cocksuckers Baywater.
They couldn't buy a fucking toaster.
They're broke. They're deadbeats.
Just give me some leads that don't
come out of a phone book.
You give me something hotter
than that and I can close it.
It's just a streak.
I'm gonna turn it around.
Hey, I need your help.
I can't do it,
I'll give you 10%%.
- Of what?
- My end-- what I close.
You give me the premium leads,
you're in for 10%%, what I close.
- And what if you don't close?
- I will.
- What if you don't close?
- I will close.