I'll tell you-- I'll tell you
what somebody should do.
Somebody should stand up
and strike back.
Somebody should do something
to them.
- What?
- Something to pay them back.
Someone should hurt them,
Mitch and Murray.
- Somebody should hurt them?
- Yeah.
- How?
- Someone should do something
- to hurt them where they live.
- What?
Someone should rob the office.
That's what I'm saying.
If we were that kind of guy
to hold up the joint and trash it,
it looks like robbery,
we take the leads out of the files
and we go to Jerry Graff.
And we take the fucking
Glengarry leads! Huh?
Yeah, Mr. Nyborg? Ah, Mr. Nyborg,
Sheldon Levene.
I was speaking to your wife earlier.
That's right.
I'd like to speak to you
about awarding you your prize.
We're coming to the end
of our fiscal year,
I'd really like to get it
off the books before--
yes, the prize
for Consolidated Properties.
The information you requested
on Rio Rancho.
Now, I'm in town only for--
well, let me see.
I suppose I could
swing by tonight. Yes. Uh-huh.
When do you think
it might be more convenient?
As I said,
I could swing by tonight--
well, of course,
you speak to your wife.
Grace, I'm gonna need
a first-class seat,
passport, 10,000 in cash,
put that with the negotiable
papers, if you would.
And put me
on the telex hookup-- yes?
Well, when do you think
Mrs. Nyborg might be back?
All train compartments
smell vaguely of shit.
It gets so you don't
mind it.
That's the worst thing
that I can confess.
You know how long it took me
to get there? A long time.
When you die you're gonna regret
the things you don't do.
You think you're queer?
I'm gonna tell you something.
We're all queer.
You think you're a thief? So what?
You get befuddled
by a middle-class morality?
Get shut of it.
Shut it out.