Glengarry Glen Ross

Glengarry Highlands.

And maybe that's true.

And that's what I said.
But look at this.
What is this?
This is a piece of land.

Listen to what I'm going
to tell you now.

- What happened?
- Where do you work?

I work, yes.
I work here.

- What is it? What happened?
- Robbery.

Williamson. Williamson,
did they get the contracts?

All right, tell me.
Now. Tell me.

- They stole the contracts?
- Excuse me, sir.

- Did they get my contract?
- Excuse me, fella.

- Did they?
- Would you excuse us?

Don't fuck with me, fella.
I'm talking about a Cadillac car

- that you owe me.
- They didn't get your contract.

- I filed it before I left.
- They didn't get my contracts?

They got-- excuse me.
Fuck, fuck, fuck!

- Williamson, open the fucking door.
- Who are you?

- They didn't get the contracts.
- Did they?

They got-- listen to me.
They got some of them.

- Some of them?
- Who told you?

Who told me?
Who told me we had a robbery?

We got a fucking board
up on the window.

Who is this? Yes.
Yes, I confess. I did it.

Now, leave me
a second here, please.

- Okay, now, talk to me.
- I'm still trying to sort it out.

- So far--
- Talk to me. Talk to me.

They got some
of the contracts?
