- Was I?
- Yes.
- No.
- Then don't sweat it. You know why?
- No.
- You have nothing to hide.
- When I talk to police, I get nervous.
- Yes, you know who doesn't?
- No. Who?
- Thieves.
I don't know
what I'm going to tell them.
The truth.
Always tell them the truth.
It's the easiest thing
to remember.
Whoa, whoa!
''Ravidam Patel''?
How am I going to make a living
on these deadbeats?
- Where did you get this from, a morgue?
- Look, I'm--
Come on. What's the point?
What's the fucking point?
I got to argue with you,
I got to knock heads with the cops,
I'm busting my balls
to sell your dirt
to deadbeats--
money in the mattress.
I come back, you can't even
keep the contracts safe.
I got to go out--
fuck this shit.
I'm going to go out
and re-close last week's stuff.
No, the word from Murray
is leave them alone.
If he needs a new sig,
he'll go out himself.
- Murray's gonna go out?
- He'll be ''president of the company
just in from out of town,''
all right?
Okay, okay, okay.
Give me this shit.
- I'm giving you three leads.
- Three? I count two.
- There's three leads there.
- Patel? Fuck you.
Fucking Shiva handed
this guy a million dollars,
told him, ''Sign the deal,''
he wouldn't sign.
And the god Vishnu, too,
into the bargain. Fuck you.
You know your business, I know mine.
Your business is being an asshole.
If I find out whose fucking cousin
you are, I'm gonna go to him
and figure out a way
to have your ass-- fuck you!
I'm waiting
for the new leads.
Get the chalk!
Hey! Get the chalk!
Get the--
I did it-- I closed 'em.
I closed the cocksucker.
Get the chalk.
Put me on the board, John.
Put me on the Cadillac board!
pick up the fucking chalk.
- Rick-- eight units, Mountain View.
- You sold eight Mountain View?
You bet your ass!
Who wants to go to lunch?
Who wants to go to lunch--
I'm buying.
Williamson-- $82,000,
12 grand in my commission.
On deadbeat
magazine subscription leads.
- Who?
- Bruce and Harriett Nyborg.