...and news director, to name a few,
did to get me this award.
This is an onion.
It's a metaphor for a news story.
A few hours ago, I was standing on
a ledge 60 stories above the street...
...interviewing a man who subsequently
jumped to his death.
Forty million dollars in the bank,
happily married, good health.
Great story.
But there's got to be more.
I mean, we're pros, right?
Some kind of extramarital
hanky-panky, maybe?
Another great story.
Maybe the guy's been accused
of child molesting.
A terrific story.
What? It turns out
the accusations were false?
Wonderful. More story.
Maybe the alleged mistress was lying.
Setting the guy up, huh?
Sensational story.
So we keep going.
Excuse me. Keep digging.
Keep investigating.
We expose the guy's whole life.
His family.
Why? Because we're pros.
Because we're looking for the truth.
But what if it turns out,
after all our digging...
...after all our
painstaking investigation...
What if it turns out
there wasn't any truth?
Just stories.
One story after another,
until there's nothing left.
And do we have any obligation
to stop at any point?
Or do we just keep going, digging,
peeling until we've peeled it all away?
Until we've destroyed what
we investigated in the first place.
I'll bet all of you, like me...
...yearn for just one story...
...that isn't about unveiling
layer after layer of human weakness.
A story that reveals,
with each layer of investigation...
...something finer and nobler.
Something even inspirational.