-lsn't it wonderful?
-l truly dislike that chair.
-This one?
-l hated that.
What do you think?
lsn't he sweet?
-Well, yes. He seems nice.
-l think he's great-looking.
-And he's single and not gay.
l'm telling you, he just broke up.
l don't know him that well.
He's quiet.
l like that about him.
He's got a great sense of humour.
He's a very charming drunk.
There was a party here
and he'd had a lot.
He was quoting Yeats' poems
and he was crying.
He was? He weeps?
But in the sweetest way.
So shall l get us all together?
He already asked me to lunch.
He did?
We both took courses at Cambridge.
He suggested we have lunch
next week.
That would be great.
l'd be the matchmaker.
l took an instant liking for Sally.
l was immediately attracted.
She spoke her mind,
she spoke her thoughts.
And she's very sexy, you know?
Look, l wasn't looking
for another relationship because...
...l'd just split up with Amy
and sworn off getting involved.
But with Sally, there was something
that just hooked in at once.
-So you were grateful to Judy?
-Yes, l was. Very.
lt's funny, you know.
When l--
When l first got to know Judy,
l thought she was flirting with me.
And l thought she must be
unhappily married.
l met her husband, they seemed
fine. That's typical of her.
She's very giving...
...and she did me this favour
by introducing me to Sally.
Your second story was as interesting
as your first. lt was wonderful.
-l was knocked out.