She's the first sane woman
he fell for. He's attracted...
...to the crazies, the nut cases.
l got a couple of theories about it.
One is that...
...he knows it's not gonna work
and so he suffers.
That kind of atones
for some sort of...
...early-on guilt he's got over--
What, l don't know.
Another is, like all of us,
he grew up on...
...movies and novels where
doomed love was romantic.
How are things going with Sam?
Great. Absolutely great.
Saturday, we got up.
We had a run down by the river.
It was a beautiful day.
It was terrific. I'm down
to a good weight. I'm exercising.
It feels incredible
to get in shape. I eat great.
Salads, no meat.
Never touch meat.
Later in the day, we rented
some kind of a video.
Some sort of dopey, funny,
stupid little thing.
Something Sally wouldn't have
allowed. I laughed like hell.
I had a terrific time and I didn't
have to feel guilty about it.
She's not Simone de Beauvoir.
We argue sometimes.
Trust me. lt's King Lear. Shakespeare
never wrote about a King Leo.
Well, Mr. lntellectual. Shakespeare
wrote in English, not Japanese.
That's wonderful.
l was just gonna make
some cappuccino. You want some?
-You're sure?
l'm positive. Absolutely.
Don't start getting excited.
l don't have my diaphragm.
l want to make love to you
without your diaphragm.
-What are you talking about?
-l was thinking about it.
l thought maybe l've been
resisting having...
-...a child too strenuously.