Husbands and Wives

-Since when?
-l don't know.

These are some thoughts
that l've had. Maybe....

Maybe it would be helpful.
What kind of help
did you have in mind?

Are you unhappy in our marriage?
l don't think about it that much.
Which is probably a good sign.

lt's late, l'm tired.
Do you want to talk about this now?

All l said was, it was
a good idea to have a baby.

-lt's not such a good idea.
-Why not, all of a sudden?

We have some straightening out
to do before we have a baby.

You wanted a baby.
Why are you in a bad mood?

-Do you want somebody new?

Who? Like who? Do you?
-Certainly not a baby.
-So forget it.

-Because l thought you wanted--
-Okay, fine.

Something you wanna say
to me and you're not?

We don't want to get into something
you can't get out of.

You don't want a baby, right?
That's what l should--

-You know l do.
-Then we have to work on it.

But not tonight.
Any thought of sex is now....

-l'm sorry.
-Not your fault.

l'm begging you to have
a baby l don't want.

-l knew you didn't want it.
-l don't mean it that way.

You know, it's late
and l'm confused.

We have a fine marriage. l don't
know what all this talk is for.

Michael? l brought you a won ton soup
since you were busy.

Thanks, Judy.
You're a sweetheart.

-l see you're going to Carnegie Hall.
-To see Mahler's Ninth.

-l hope Sally likes Mahler.

She will. lt's my favourite.
Here are some napkins.

l've got this great place
to bring her to after the concert.

A little supper joint.
lt's very intimate.
