You can't just look at one symptom.
You need the whole picture.
She's still a functioning,
integrated person.
A psychotic couldn't
have been hypnotised so easily.
Then where did that stuff come from?
Aliens in spaceships? Little grey
people with burning black eyes?
She's making this up, right?
She's not consciously lying.
Her emotions are very real.
Have you ever encountered
other cases of missing time?
- Other cases?
- There was a guy...
Beach or Leach or something,
asking a while back
about the same sort of thing.
It was all very similar to your case.
Missing time...
- UFOs?
- Yeah, I think it did involve UFOs.
Perfect. That's all we need.
I think you should speak with him.
I'll see if I can come up with his name.
If I do, I'll put him in touch with you.
Goodnight, sweetheart.
We get to see Daddy tomorrow.
- Check for monsters first.
- OK.
None in there.
There's none over there.
And none under there.
There are no monsters to be found,
so little boys can close their eyes
and drift away, OK?
Wait. Could you leave it on?