Glad you finally made it, bro.
- Want an umbrella?
- Yeah, thanks. Give me hand with this?
- Is this normal?
- Pisses down October to June.
- How long have you known Freddy?
- Ross?
- He was my sergeant when I was a rookie.
- He got you the job?
He would have if he could have.
He's been trying long enough.
Welcome aboard.
Caught the rain?
Sergeant Serato, Taylor and Travis I think
you know. I'll be with you in a minute.
Do me a favour.
Bring the rest of the stuff out of the car.
Hey, Travis, don't lose it.
Find the knife, sergeant?
No, but we have a theory.
The kid told me he didn't take it.
Maybe he was lying to you.
Is it true you found a hand?
Is that it?
- Interview over, Blattis.
- Come on, chief.
If it's sensitive, just tell me.
I'm not taking notes.
We got a body part. We don't know
what it is. Probably hospital debris.
Now you know as much as we do.
- Was it male or female?
- A woman's hand.
I'm grateful for your candour.
Keep this out of the paper.
That dump serves a dozen communities.
We don't know if it's ours.
So don't worry about it.
- Was it frozen?
- Come on, get out.
This guy's trying to move in.
Anything new, you'll be the first to know.
- Why did he ask if it was frozen?
- I couldn't tell you.
Don't worry about any of this.
By the time you're back it's gone.