We had a real bad murder
a couple of years ago.
Not in our county, but south of here.
A girl with no head and no hands.
You didn't read about it?
It was big shit.
40 or 50 detectives were working on it
and never identified her.
Never found the head,
nor the hands.
Could be a crazy guy kept the hand
in a freezer, and wants to get rid of it.
- Where's the file?
- In there if there's anything.
It'll be under "John Taylor".
I believe the code is "Jennifer".
- Was it really frozen, sergeant?
- No. Been dead two weeks.
Notice anything weird about it?
Look. One, two, three... four, five.
Six, seven, this long one, eight...
Nine, ten. I count 1 1 scars on this hand.
And there's four more that might be scars.
Now, I count them on my hand. I have 5.
I'm 37 years old. This girl's about 1 8.
- How come she has so many scars?
- I don't know.
That's the question.
So. Why don't you tell me about Jennifer?
You know I'm going to find out.
It's an unsolved. They spent about
$500,000 for a dead end.
- Check with Taylor. He worked the case.
- I did. What's his problem?
This. He thinks you stole his promotion.
- What exactly are you doing there?
- It's to quit smoking.
That's interesting.
It must help with the withdrawal.
It's a technique I read about.
Smoke 60 a day...
...throw one cigarette away, smoke 59.
Day two, throw two out, smoke 58.
- Why not just smoke none?
- It's a ritual. You got to do it.
- Do you want my advice?
- Find yourself a farmer's daughter
with nice big tits
and shake that bye-bye.
Send it to Sacramento.