You have an appointment
with Miss Robertson?
Apparently she saw Amber
the weekend she left,
and was briefly in the room
with the man she left with.
I see.
She teaches another class at four o' clock.
I'd appreciate it if you don't detain her.
How come this place is so big?
Where is everyone?
I don't know. He said this was
the staff side of the building.
What did you think of that fucking idiot?
He had a handshake
like a partially excited penis.
Hi. Sergeants John Berlin, Frederick Ross.
We have an appointment.
What do you want to ask, Mr Berlin?
Please sit down.
I'd like you tell me, any way you like,
what you can remember
about the time you spent with Amber...
...on the afternoon she left.
Well, I think I told you on the phone...
I went up to her room to say goodbye...
we sat on the bed and chatted while
her friend was collecting her things.
What kind of friend?
Boyfriend? Old friend? New friend?
I don't know.
Do you have any idea
what this friend was like?
- Do you know how old he was?
- No.
Let me put it this way.
How old do you think I am? 26, 39 or 53.
You must have some idea.
When we spoke on the phone,
did you know I was blonde?
- No.
- Why not? You heard my voice.