I couldn't take another minute
of Los Angeles.
I felt like I had to say sorry
in every street in the city.
I'll tell you what.
If I promise to stop being a cop,
will you stop being a witness?
I don't have to ask all the questions.
You can ask too.
- Are you wearing a uniform?
- No.
I'm glad we got the conversational side
of lunch over.
Sorry, just I don't want to sit in a restaurant.
I feel like everyone's looking at me.
Nobody's looking at you.
Hardly anyone's here.
The only person looking at you is me.
Are you married?
Was. I don't like to talk about it.
- You asked me to ask you questions.
- I know.
Just you picked the one time
I like not to remember.
I was in the badlands, Helena.
It happens to a lot of cops.
We don't want to talk about that.
"Thoughts that lie too deep for tears."
Yeah, that'll do. Is that "Hamlet"?
No, it's Wordsworth.
Do you like poetry?
Do you like poetry?
I don't know. I haven't read much.
I don't think poetry's my kind of thing.
- But you pray.
- Pray?