Jing cha gu shi III: Chao ji jing cha

lnspector Chen.
Uncle Piao.
Chia-chu, come in.
l want to see you.
Sit down.
What is so urgent?
A position that suits you.
lnspector of Shataukok
Police Hq. Sign it here.

Uncle Piao, let me do it.
l'm letting you do it.
The air is fresh at
Shataukok Police Hq.

And you don't have to go on patrol.
l mean the lnterpol mission.
Have you heard about it?
Let me do it.
lt's a most dangerous

When one is bored to death by
everyday routine.

Sitting in an office could be
even more dangerous.

Do you have to consult May?
Not necessary. l've made the

Well, go and get prepared, then.
Yes, sir.
Chia chu.
The Commissioner will be
happy to hear this.

Are you unhappy?
l'd be happier if the
Commissioner did it himself.

Aren't we very mean?
A little bit, but you
more than l.

Because you're my superior.
Why do you to enter the
camp so abruptly?

What training is it? Why
didn't you call me sooner?

lts a Special Training Camp. l
get a promotion afterwards.

Aren't you happy for me?
Yes, since it's not a
dangerous mission.

lt's safer in the camp,
absolutely no risk.

My life insurance policy.
My bank passbook.
Why are you giving them to
